298 Kings Daughters Drive

Frankfort, KY 40601


Phone : 502-223-5641

Toll Free : 866-869-5640

Fax : 502-223-1047


Healthcare Strategies allows clients to choose the independent service components that best fit the needs of your practice. We do not commit you to a long-term agreement if you are not completely satisfied with our services. Most importantly, there are no significant or hidden up-front costs. .

What distinguishes Healthcare Strategies? It's our commitment to providing the highest level of quality service to our clients. We listen to your concerns, ask the right questions and take the time to understand your goals and objectives.

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us. We would be glad to meet with you and discuss options and opportunities with your business.

Phone: 502-223-5641
Toll Free:    866-869-5640
Fax:            502-223-1047
Address :

298 Kings Daughters Drive

Frankfort, KY 40601

Do you have any of these problems?
  • Staff Turnover
  • Cash flow
  • High Outstanding Receivables
  • Wanting to start a practive but don’t know where to begin
  • Then we are the solution!